akashic records – angel cards – crystal body layout


Crystals, Akashic Records, Angel Cards & Essential Oil

Janel has been working with Crystals, Angels and many other energy and spiritual modalities for morethan15years. ShehasobtainedseveralCrystalcertificationsovertheyearsandsheisa certified Angel Card Reader, Akashic Record Reader, Reiki practitioner, as well as having many other classes and certifications to her credit. She frequently combines the energy from the Akashic Record with her Angel Card readings to expand the intuitive connection with the Spiritual Realm.

She offers Intuitive Crystal Energy Healing and/or Chakra Balancing sessions and teaches many classes about Crystals, Gemstones, Sacred Geometry, Angels and Meditation.

In addition, she hand picks crystals and gemstones with exceptionally good energy for other people. She works with a feng shui interior designer to change the energy in homes to create a more beneficial environment. Speciallychosencrystalsandgemstonesarealsoofferedforsale at special events or by appointment.