
akashic records – angel cards – crystal body layout janel Akashic Record/Angel Card/ Crystal Body layout with Janel – 55min Janel has been working with Crystals, Angels and many other…

Angel Communication With Lin – 25min Lin began to lead Angel Workshops which led to individual readings. Alma Daniel is the author of a New York Times best-selling book “Ask…

Angel Communication With Lin – 55 min In 1979, Lin began studying astrology and in 1988, she started providing professional astrology readings for others. Since 1993, Lin has provided hundreds…

125 (90 min)
Philip has been doing these readings for over a decade and they bring in such fascinating information.
According to the Angelic mysteries of the Tree of Life, we are each attended by a particular “constellation” of Angelic Energies who dwell with and within us and whose Divine qualities correspond to our unique soul purposes, challenges and potentials for this lifetime. Thus, the three Angels who were the supporting energies at the moment each of us were born work with and within us throughout our lives to help quicken and amplify the spark of Divinity that is our soul and its unique expression in physicality, time, meaning and matter.